
Boomers Digest 金齡文摘: Search Results

Ladies and gentlemen, please note that "the body of the dehumidifier" section so that Hello, if the work permit 9:30,14:30 up the body [dehumidifier] it!

    The best way to avoid cancer is to drink warm water throughout the year, save yourself, do not be too late to eat dinner is a chronic disease beginning acidic (not too late to eat dinner) 8:00 pm to eat dinner even if the [snack] it! You are not often busy until 8:00 to eat it? According to statistics 70% of domestic people have acidic.

    Acidic with a lot of features, eat the better the chances of chronic disease will be high.

    Sour because of physical, role of enzymes will be hindered, endocrine disorders, hormone will be hindered.

    Acidic friends, indulge in the so-called nutritious food to eat meat and fish, in fact, worse, will only make the body worse, to find root of the problem to change your body, is the fundamental solution.

    "Sour body will stay up all night."
    Do not sleep at night after 1:00, the body's metabolism burning by the endocrine, endocrine burning with a lot of toxins, physical causes sour, people usually stay up late the probability of chronic disease than smoking or drinking more people high.


    So as far as possible every day to sleep before 12:00, do not often stay up late, if not to stay up all night, one week to only once! Do not stay up late to eat meat, try to eat carbohydrates, so they are not tired the next day, the damage can be minimized.

    "Late night person, physical is easy to sour."
    Frequent communication and entertainment businessman, usually short-lived, susceptible to diabetes, high blood pressure.

    8:00 pm on any further called into supper.

    Late night will be tired the next day, climb up, the liver will be damaged, because sleep, 人体各器官 activity is low, at rest, so the food in the intestines become acid, fermentation, produce toxins damage the body.

    "Morning person good health."
    4:30 in the morning the body, the body temperature reached its lowest point, the fastest blood circulation, so the practice in ancient times before people got up at 4:30.

    If you sleep late, blood circulation slows, reducing the oxygen also followed, to become hypoxic burning, body will become sour.

    "Do not eat breakfast, body will become sour."


    Three meals a day, breakfast accounts for 70 points, 0 Lunch, dinner 30 minutes. Breakfast can be seen most important, but generally the people of Taiwan do not eat breakfast, even worse, develop the habit of late night, this is absolutely incorrect eating habits.

    So from now on have to pay more attention to breakfast, learn how to eat breakfast.

    Breakfast must be rich and to select resistant to burn 4-5 hours of food, only enough to get you a day of consumption.

    "Refined foods accelerate aging gastrointestinal"
    Lack of exercise and sit in an office all day office workers most likely to commit such a mistake, because eating less, deliberately chose a very fine food and eat coarse food, the people's intestines aging particularly fast, poor liver function, Big is black and will often constipation.

    Because of the lack of cellulose fine food, will lead to deterioration of the intestines function, or even shrinking, the food becomes a toxin, so that your body becomes acid, chronic diseases have begun.

    Regimen in Richangshenghuo in eat healthy, and eat out of self-confidence.


    "The desiccant body."
    Body of desiccant dehumidification is very little soft parade Oh!! Change in the fall and winter seasons, due to external temperature, humidity, resulting in the irregular eating habits, making the body wet, blood circulation becomes weak, mucosa moist material inadequate, resulting in decreased immunity, can easily lead to Huxixitong lesions, such as cough, nasal allergies, sneezing, nosebleeds forever, and nasal congestion, confused and other illnesses.

    (1) early morning before going to bed to do calisthenics or simple dynamic exercise five to ten minutes, not only can exercise a strong bones, can cleanse the body of moisture, cold or hot and humid. Never stay up late, but that will lower your immunity up to 30%.

    (2) cough, we can make a fist to fist beat the top left corner and upper right chest; This is the top of the lungs, gently here sixty, the beat in the throat will itch and then produce cough, which is make dirty things to it.

    Remember that both sides should knock, knock can be more than a few times a day. In particular, time to return to work by bike or on the house, should immediately tap to clean up the polluted air in the lungs.

    (3) nasal allergies, also massage the head with both hands for five minutes to drink hot almond tea, or half an hour brisk walking stride, or bathing water will, after a more bustling, neck a few minutes.

    (4) A cancer specialist, said: "The best way to avoid cancer is to drink warm water throughout the year." Our bodies have great energy consumption, in order to drink ice drinks warm to normal body temperature (Celsius thirty-six degrees and a half), but this way the overall immune system naturally Juxiang.

    So if you often iced beverage, it is recommended you drink back to the ice for half an hour at room temperature or boiled water to drink.

    Hope that we can take care of yourself

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